Monday, February 27, 2012

Another Cruise Ship Problem, by Same Company

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An Italian Cruise Ship is floating adrift in Indian Ocean after a fire broke out aboard.
This ship is owned by the same company of the other Cruise Ship, Concordia, that  wrecked about  six weeks back.  Sadly there were 25 people killed and 7 are still missing today which we can only presume they too are dead.

The good news as of right now there are no injuries reported aboard this ship which has somewhere around 1,000 people including the crew. 
The name of this ship is Costa Allegra, there was a fire that started earlier today in the engine room which has now left the ship without power.  This means the engines can't work and the ship will just be floating until other ships can get to it to help.  
The ship was on it's way to the beautiful Seychelles Islands, located in the Indian Oceans.  Many people travel there for the beautiful water and weather.
It sounds like they will be able to get these passengers off safely so prayers go out to them and hopefully everything does works out.
The only good thing about such a thing? Prices will be super cheap soon! 
After this and the last incident they will have to start giving these Cruises away.
Keep your eyes peeled if your into cruising, cause I have a good feeling the prices will be coming down.
Info came from FOX NEWS LIVE TV

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