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At 7:38 am the police were called out to Chardon, High School about multiple shots being fired in the school. As the police quickly arrived the shooter was being ran out the building by, a teacher. Before running out he was able to shoot (5) students. The shooter got away, by taking off down the road, but was later taken into custody about 1/2 mile away from the school. There were reports of there being more then (1) shooter, but the police at noon said, no it was only one shooter. The shooter is a juvenile and they did not release his name. They will be updating again at 4pm/3pm Central time which they may release his name then if they have charged him by then.
As of right now (1) student has passed away, and (4) others are in critical condition. They
will be holding a candle light vigialance for the students tomorrow
night. I didn't catch the location I'll try and update soon with more
Please keep all of the students, doctors, parents, teachers, police everybody involved in your prayers.
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