Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Are you heading to college for the first time this year?
Well my daughter will be moving into her first apartment very soon.
"Yes, everything changed even though she did get her scholarship to Chicago she had also won a few scholarships here and decided she would stay in Louisiana at least for a few years and take full advantage of that free money.  I am very happy, because she'll be closer to home, she won't owe tons of money when she gets out and the movie scene is just getting big here in New Orleans, so kind of think she will do better jumping into it now rather then later.  I am hoping she can intern on a set or something like that.
Anyway she will be moving into a house and hopefully 2 friends of hers.  If it isn't her friends it will be two other students from school.  The house will needs furniture, and every thing else you can think of that a house needs.  I went looking around of course on Swag Bucks, Don't Search without doing it on Swag Bucks y'all!"
"Don't forget if you sign up in June for Swag Bucks enter code: JUNEBOOM for 50 Extra Points."

Okay back to the heading to college list!

Organizing for College: The Great Packing List

By Professional Organizer Lea Schneider 

I got a message from a nice reader who wanted to pass on the following list, 

 it's even better then the first one.   "I checked it out and they're right it's very nice! You can make your list and pass it on to other room-mates and more.  Very cool, site!"

College Packing List

Some things on this college packing list you really need and others you really want. Here’s a reminder list to help you decide.

For the bed:
Mattress pad
Eggshell cushion
2 sets twin sheets (usually extra-long)
2 pillows
A body pillow is great for getting comfy to study in bed
Sleeping bag (for guests)
Alarm clock
Beside light or clip-on bunk light
Fan (For white noise for sleeping/studying)

The list is a lot longer click in link below and check it out or the list above to follow the other link.

You'll need to click the link below or above to finish reading this article.  It'll bring you right to the list, no tricks. It's a really nice list I am sure you'll find it helpful.

Thank you to both sites for posting such useful information!

Compiled by Professional Organizer Lea Schneider from experiences in stocking dorm rooms from Ball State University to the University of Kansas to Florida State University plus one fraternity house, two sorority houses and two rental houses. Ideas also gathered from The Real Freshman Handbook by Jennifer Hanson and Friends, a great read, and various college websites including Old Dominion University, Carleton College, and the input of many parents, students, friends and readers of this website.


  1. THis was a great list! Another site that takes this just one step further is http://www.CollegePackingList.com – it’s a tool that suggests a default college packing list and then allows students to customize and share the list with friends and roommates. Hopefully this is helpful.

  2. Hi EJ,
    Thank you for your suggestion I'll list that site along with this one.
    I am sure someone will find it helpful. Thanks again!

  3. Ear plugs are a must-have for college. I would also recommend Lysol cleaning wipes for hygiene's sake. It's amazing how dirty our desks get.

  4. Moving to a new place is really tough especially for those first timers that is why they will be needing some tips in order for them to get ideas that could help them out. But, you should always remember one important thing when moving and that is o make a list that are really necessary so that you will not be putting a lot of things. When the time comes that you will be moving in you can ask some assistance from moving companies Lincoln NE for they can help you out making it more convenient on your part.
