Sunday, February 13, 2011

Worst Valentine's Gifts You Can Give Her And Answers of What To Do Even If Your Broke

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So with Valentine's Day nearly here, you've got it all figured out, right guys?You've chosen the perfect gift that's you're sure is going to seal your spot in the boyfriend/husband Hall of Fame forever. Sure, there might be a couple Valentine's Day hiccups in your past, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that stuff, yeah?But wait. What if you haven't learned?How can you be sure your present will be met with adulation rather than an abhorrence that will send you straight to the couch for the night?Before you give the woman of your dreams something along the lines of athletic socks or tickets to your favorite team's upcoming big game, stop, think it through and make sure your gift isn't one of the following worst Valentine's Day gifts ever.
Worst Valentine's Day Gift No. 5: 
Something Silky And Slinky
  If your Valentine is into lingerie, you're better off buying a gift certificate so she can go and spoil herself on your dime and get exactly what she wants. That way you'll both be happy.

Worst Valentine's Day Gift No. 4

Anything That's Really For Yourself 

 Granted, that new Xbox game is beyond cool. With tons of action and eye-popping graphics, you can already see yourself slaying zombies and demons in your living room.But unless your wife or girlfriend is a serious gamer, you better get out of electronics and hightail it to the jewelry counter. 

Worst Valentine's Day Gift No. 3

"Helpful" Gifts


Worst Valentine's Day Gift No. 2

Shape Up Gifts
You're on your own if you are dim enough to buy the woman in your life a treadmill or any other piece of exercise equipment.    The same applies to scales, self-help books, workout DVDs, gym memberships and any other gift designed to help her "better" herself.

Absolutely Nothing

 If your Valentine is watching her weight, candy can be an iffy proposition. Some women just aren't into jewelry and others find flowers that will soon wilt and die either depressing or a waste of money.
But even if your wife or girlfriend falls into one of those categories, you're still better off getting her one of those gifts than showing up empty-handed.
But even if your wife or girlfriend falls into one of those categories, you're still better off getting her one of those gifts than showing up empty-handed.
If you can't be bothered to remember Valentine's Day with just a homemade card, a corny burned mix CD or even a simple home-cooked meal, you're telling your Valentine she wasn't worth the effort. She might just feel inclined to return the favor, but with a more direct approach.

All these great tips came from WDSU CHANNEL 6 NEWS

Even if your unemployed you can give one of the best Valentine's Day gifts.   

Valentines Ideas that won't Break the Budget!

These ideas are from Gather.

A Year Of Kisses

Bake all his favorite goodies!

Dinner For Two

Romantic Scavenger Hunt

Picnic at the Beach/Park    

I hope these ideas have helped some of you who may of been lost of what to do. 
It's not really the gift that matters it's the time you attention you show the person you love, and if the person you love only wants material items maybe you need to rethink your partner.

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