Friday, February 4, 2011

Free Cup of Yoplait Original Yogurt

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Free Cup of Yoplait Original Yogurt

Get a coupon for a free cup of Yoplait® Original Yogurt.


How to get it: To request your coupon for a free cup of Yoplait, fill out a short form on the Yoplait® site. Please note: IThis offer is limited to one per name, family adress or household.If you have previously requested this sample, you may not be eligible to do so again. 

 {I got this message: Because dairy laws in your state prevent us from sending you a coupon for a free cup of yogurt, you will receive an alternate coupon offer. Dang Louisiana, what the heck is that all about??}
"Oh, well I can't eat dairy anyway, that's why I drink Almond Milk, but my daughter eats it.  I wonder what they will be sending me in it's place????"

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