Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beautiful Love Letter To The World - You Must Read This It's Amazing!

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 I found one of the most beautiful, smart heartfelt poems.
It's a love letter to the world.


Please read this love letter, print it and share it with everybody you know, because
it's so powerful it could make a huge worldly difference.
The Letter was written by, Kate Swoboda 
She has a website named Your Courageous Life,
it's a self-help/encouragement for women.  It looks like a great site.

I found a copy of, "A Love Letter For America," on a blog named: Kind Over Matter 
this blog is written by, Amanda.  It's a nice site that post, inspirational stories and such.  
Amanda, took Kate's Letter and made it look as beautiful, as the words are. 
She posted it so we all can now print it and have it framed if we want to.
Thank you very much to both of these women.

OfficeMax Brand Ink & Toner

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