Monday, January 31, 2011

Make Theo's Pizza At Home I Got The Recipes!

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~Make Homemade Theo's Pizza~

"This is the real deal, it's from them, I didn't steal it I promise!   

They listed it on Fox8 how sweet of them, thank you guys!"

 Jammer Orintas and Greg Deitz from Theo's Pizza share some of their favorite pizza recipes.  
Cook time will vary depending on your specific oven and dough but in general the pizzas should be cooked at 425-450 degrees for 15 to 18 minutes. These recipes will work on any type of pizza dough (homemade or store bought).

1. The Expert:
2 ounces of olive oil
2 tablespoons of  minced garlic
2 cups of baby spinach
3 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups of fresh Roma tomatoes (16 slices of tomato)
1/2 cup of sliced purple onions
1/2 cup of bacon

2. Pesto Chicken Pizza
4 ounces of fresh pesto
3 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups of grilled chicken breast
1/2 cup of sliced purple onions
1/8 cup of roasted red peppers
 3 ounces of  goat cheese

Special Thanks to our local TV News Station  Channel Fox8
They had this recipe posted on their website. 
Jammer Orintas and Greg Deitz from Theo's Pizza!

I'll try and make it tomorrow night, I hope some of you will also
join me and trying this great recipe out.

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