Friday, January 28, 2011

17 Day Diet Dr. Mike Is Taking Your Questions , Talk To Him Live

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The 17 Day Diet 

CHAT LIVE with Dr. Mike

on Friday, January 28 at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT!

 If your keeping up with the 2 groups on this diet, they are Team Dr. Phil and Team Doctors Dr. Phil's Team won the first weigh in!  Yeah Dr. Phil's Team!  Congratulations!!  Both teams did great though so they should all be super proud of themselves.  Every single person lost a good amount of weight and they all said, they feel so much better, too.  I think the least lost was 10lbs and the most lost was well over 20lbs.  

One women lost 22lbs, another lost 21lbs and one of the smallest women lost the highest percentage for the females.  The guy and women who lost the highest percentage each won a really nice treadmill. And Dr. Phil's Team each won the new Wii game and some games.   I think the luckiest people has to be the husband and wife, since one is on each team they end up in a win/win.  Good for them!

 Join the 17 Day Diet Club! Post photos, take quizzes and get involved for your chance to win great prizes, including  your own copy of The 17 Day Diet and the 17 Minute Workout DVD!

Click HERE

 He has a great calorie counter on the 17 day site that also tells you what you have to do to lose so many pounds.  Say if you have  wedding to go to in the next 60 days if you wanted to lose 20lbs it would tell you for your height and weight what you need to eat.  There's also a way to check your BMI, which remember if your a guy who has a lot of muscle this may be wrong if it's the normal ones.  I like it go try it out!
Click HERE

One more thing if your doing this diet, want support or just want to see and talk to others that are go to the Dr's site and sign up everybody that is signed up doing this diet has a chance to win prizes and they give great prizes!
"If you are on the diet or any diet for that matter, good luck!"

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