Thursday, March 31, 2011

Save 15% - And Gain 3 Swag Bucks Just For Doing Good by, Recycling #5 Plastics

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Save 15% - And Gain 3 Swag Bucks Just For Doing Good! 
By Recycling #5 Plastics 
 Are you a Swag Buck's member? If so you can gain (3) Swag Bucks!
Even if not, you can join Swag Bucks now and still gain (3) Swag Bucks!
Help reduce the landfill with Tom’s of Maine
For the 2nd year, we have partnered with Preserve's Gimme 5 recycling program along with 
companies like Stonyfield Farms, Brita and Seventh Generation to help collect and recycle over 
100,000 lbs by the end of this year.  Products made of #5 plastic are sold widely, but rarely accepted 
at recycling centers. Preserve Gimme 5 helps keep thousands of pounds of plastic out of the landfills 
and in use, including Tom's of Maine deodorant. You can help today by taking your old Tom's of Maine deodorant containers and other #5 plastics to the Gimme 5 station in your area!
Here is how to gain the rewards:
1st join Swag Bucks if your a member, If you are sign in to Swag Bucks and check your messages.  You should have a message about this and you can just follow the links in your e-mail. 
Now go to Face Book, and click like on Toms of Maine's Page
When you do so you'll gain (3) Swag Bucks!
Recycling Reward
Visit Preserve Products to find out more about the complete family of Preserve Products and the Preserve Gimme 5 Program. As a Tom’s of Maine consumer, you can also take advantage of a special 15% discount on Preserve Products when you buy them online at Preserve Products Simply enter the code Toms at checkout.
Why Preserve Gimme 5?
By dropping Tom's #5 plastic deodorant containers in the Gimme 5 bins at participating locations, you're helping to save thousands of pounds of #5 plastic from landfills, and are helping to make brand new Preserve Products that represent real change, reducing the environmental footprint of this material, and giving it a second life as a new and useful product.
What is #5 plastic and how do I know what is accepted 
in the Gimme 5 bin?
The #5 plastic, formally called polypropylene, is a strong, lightweight, food-grade, and easy-to-recycle plastic. It is commonly found in everything from yogurt and other dairy containers to hummus containers and medicine bottles. Most items that have a #5 stamp on them (check for this on the bottom of a container) are accepted through Preserve Gimme 5. 
 I hope you'll join in this very special program.  They have really made a difference with collecting #5 plastics it's amazing how big in just one year it has grown.  I just found out about it myself and I am excited to help in anyway I can.  If your just learning about it yourself please join in and pass on the information to your friends and family so they can grow even more this year.   Tom's charts show the last year they collected 2 million Tom's deodorant containers I hope this year they can collect close to 10 million!   I know that's a really high number, but if we help pass the word I am sure it's do able.  I can't wait to see just how many they get this year.

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