Thursday, March 3, 2011

FREE Clothing For The Kids It's A Place To Trade Up! You'll LOVE it!

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How would you like to get your child or children a box of new clothes?
What if all you had to pay was nothing more then $5
and the cost of a Priority Shipping Box?
Well you can!
Plus now they are even hooking up with New Clothing Line companies 
and sticking Brand New Item Boxes in the mix.

There's this great Club called thredUP and you can take gently wore clothes your kids have outgrown
and swap them with others that have the sizes you need!  
"I did this for my granddaughter and we got amazing dresses for her!  One she could even wear for Christmas!"
It's great I promise you'll LOVE it!
Why wait it's FREE to sign up too!

thredUP_kids clothing swap_free membership

Try Angie's List Today!

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