Tuesday, February 22, 2011


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Bri playing in the snow at Christmas. 

Hey everybody I just wanted to post what happened to my newest puppy/dog, Brianna, yesterday.  I was working on my computer and she came walking up to me as she does all the time, I put my hand down to pat her on the head and I about died! 
Out the side of my eye I seen her face was swollen like a huge chip-monk it looked like she had both cheeks stuffed with golf balls.  The poor babies cheeks where starting to cover her big brown eyes. I jumped up grabbed her and flew to the vet's right away.

As I was going in the door with her a guy said, "oh how cute a Shar-pai mix."  No, she is a Pit Bull-Lab mix, that's how swollen she was. 
"I go to the Banfield Vet Clinic, in Petsmart.  They are always great, and super nice .  They even called me this morning checking on her."
  They took her right away gave her a couple shots to stop the swelling and help with pain.  
The vet had a problem trying to look in Bri's mouth, she kept growling at them, she is small, but she thinks shes mighty.  I had to lift her gums/lips so the vet could look inside.  We looked and looked in her mouth, all over her head, under the head, her neck and everywhere we could think of, but we couldn't find anything.  
After talking it over with the vet we think maybe she got bit by a spider, but we don't know for sure.  The medicine made it go down and when she got up this morning she isn't as swollen as she was.  She kind of has this big neck skin hanging you know like a real old person how there skin kind of hangs.  Wendell "he is a pharmacist" said, it has fluid in it and that the medicine will make it go away.  She is on Benadrel, Penicillin and a Pain pill so she is a little lazy today which is good, because she bounces off the walls all the time.  This dog is so nuts she even ate a piece of my car!  Yes, my car.  The worse part is it wasn't even hanging or anything. It's the part on the door that keeps baskets and things from banging in to it.  She gets into everything!  Thank God, we love her so much. ;)
The warning I wanted to give was for all of you to be careful that your pets don't get bite or stung.  I am not sure what it was still.  Some of those spiders are kills, so we all have to watch.  
My brother got bit last Summer by one of those brown spiders and ended up in the hospital and lost part of his finger.  I read about a women who lives close by who went in the hospital 3 times for the same bite and she ended up losing a body part too!  Sorry, I can't remember if it was an arm or leg.  Just be careful because maybe they are back or at least something sure is out there.  
I don't want to see any other animals hurt or even a person.  I got her to the vet quick, lord knows what could of happened if i wouldn't of found her and it kept swelling it could of cut off her air way.  Keep an eye out for any type of spiders or bugs out in your yard.

Oh one more thing.  I also have the Pet insurance Wellness Plan Optimum and I pay about $22 dollars a month, but it is so worth it.  I've already saved over $1,178.08 with this puppy and she is now only 8 months old.   We adopted her at 4 months old so in 4 months she has had 2 problems and then 1 normal check up.   I think that's a lot of money saved.   Yesterday my bill came to $252.98 and I only paid $97.76 and that included 2 medications to bring home.  If you have pets you should look into getting this or another low cost pet insurance.  It's nice to have the piece of mind and to know if something goes wrong I can run with no notice and they will see them. 
If you want to look at the insurance I have here is a link.

Thanks for reading!
Have a great day, Y'all!

Pamper your pet at Pet Care Choice.

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